February 6, 2010

February 5, 2010

new computer and vloging

man, I got a new computer. well… its not really mine. but there is one thing that I'm going to do now. I’m going to start using the web cam on this baby to “blog” on youtube!! its going to be epic!!! 

so look forward to that if you are reading this. i hope someone is… oh well, it matters not if you read this, but if you think.

man, the spell check on this computer is sweet!!! (mine craped out earlier this week)

so, cheers~~~  <3 <3 <3


Where Are The Good Christians?

February 3, 2010


I'm not godist, I'm god less. there is a difference between hating god and not believing in god. i don't let my lack of religion get in the way of being nice, kind, and being friends with people. i don't judge people on their believes or lack of them.

February 1, 2010

Should the phrase "Under God" be omitted from the US Pledge of Allegiance?

Should the phrase "Under God" be omitted from the US Pledge of Allegiance?
(a poll on facebook)

11.2 % YES
88.8 % NO

Autumn Lauber8:04 pm

According to the 1st amendment the pledge is unconstitutional due to the fact that this country is formed on freedom of religion. And if you want to shove some s*** down my throat about how the country was built on Christianity, your wrong. People came to the new world to worship as they please and have religious freedom…

“Lighthouses are more useful than churches.” Benjamin Franklin

January 31, 2010

Contradictions in the Bible

GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness.
GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn't created until the fourth day.
GE 2:17 Adam was to die the very day that he ate the forbidden fruit.
GE 5:5 Adam lived 930 years.
GE 2:15-17, 3:4-6 It is wrong to want to be able to tell good from evil.
HE 5:13-14 It is immature to be unable to tell good from evil.
GE 4:15, DT 32:19-27, IS 34:8 God is a vengeful god.
EX 15:3, IS 42:13, HE 12:29 God is a warrior. God is a consuming fire.
EX 20:5, 34:14, DT 4:24, 5:9, 6:15, 29:20, 32:21 God is a jealous god.
LE 26:7-8, NU 31:17-18, DT 20:16-17, JS 10:40, JG 14:19, EZ 9:5-7 The Spirit of God is (sometimes) murder and killing.
NU 25:3-4, DT 6:15, 9:7-8, 29:20, 32:21, PS 7:11, 78:49, JE 4:8, 17:4, 32:30-31, ZP 2:2 God is angry. His anger is sometimes fierce.
2SA 22:7-8 (KJV) "I called to the Lord; ... he heard my voice; ... The earth trembled and quaked, ... because he was angry. Smoke came from his nostrils. Consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it."
EZ 6:12, NA 1:2, 6 God is jealous and furious. He reserves wrath for, and takes revenge on, his enemies. "... who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and rocks are thrown down by him."
2CO 13:11, 14, 1JN 4:8, 16 God is love.
GA 5:22-23 The fruit of the Spirit of God is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
GE 6:4 There were Nephilim (giants) before the Flood.
GE 7:21 All creatures other than Noah and his clan were annihilated by the Flood.
NU 13:33 There were Nephilim after the Flood.
GE 6:6. EX 32:14, NU 14:20, 1SA 15:35, 2SA 24:16 God does change his mind.
NU 23:19-20, 1SA 15:29, JA 1:17 God does not change his mind.
GE 10:5, 20, 31 There were many languages before the Tower of Babel.
GE 11:1 There was only one language before the Tower of Babel.
GE 16:15, 21:1-3, GA 4:22 Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac.
HE 11:17 Abraham had only one son.
GE 17:15-16, 20:11-12, 22:17 Abraham and his half sister, Sarai, are married and receive God's blessings.
LE 20:17, DT 27:20-23 Incest is wrong.
GE 22:1-12, DT 8:2 God tempts (tests) Abraham and Moses.
JG 2:22 God himself says that he does test (tempt).
1CO 10:13 Paul says that God controls the extent of our temptations.
JA 1:13 God tests (tempts) no one.
EX 4:11 God decides who will be dumb, deaf, blind, etc.
2CO 13:11, 14, 1JN 4:8, 16 God is a god of love.
VVVVVV the list goes on and on, VVVVVV

Hey There Cthulhu


live performance